Classic Wears has been purchasing overstock department store items for resale on eBay for nearly a decade. Our business continues to grow as we do our best to bring you a great value with no frills. Have confidence in buying our items that your satisfaction is of paramount importance.
They currently have well over 700 Kit+Lili items listed and it is worth a look. The prices range from $10 to $40 and shipping is free. I think that this seller would be a safe bet as they have a 99.4% approval rating from buyers and have sold over 20,000 items on Ebay. Plus, returns are accepted "for any reason". This is exciting!! And, I have noticed over the past year that they often run promotions during which the already low prices drop significantly. Here are some of my current favorites from the store:
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top row: Renny short sleeve shirt, Christine long sleeve dress, Susie linen dress, green dots romper bottom row: Mia skirt, Franny dress, Tracy woodgrain shorts, Charlotte hearts shirt (buttons down the back) |
I think that overall the dresses are a better deal than the knit shirts, but it is worth sorting the items by price to see some of the best deals in the $10 to $17 range. I very much miss going to the annual Kit+Lili sample sale in Brooklyn, though this Ebay store is giving me similar heart palpitations. Thanks, classic_wears!
Note: Classic Shoes and Stuff also carries Tea Collection clothing at great prices, though their inventory does not currently seem to be very high. Worth keeping an eye on, however, should they restock.
So cute. I have girl-shopping envy.