Amazon is having a great 50% off sale
on shoes and boots right now. Admittedly, Amazon can be really overwhelming, especially where shoes are concerned. Here is my community service for the week: I sifted through the thousands of sale offerings and posted here some of my favorites, just in case you are like my mom and do enjoy "digging" through enormous virtual bins of merchandise. The price listed below nest to the shoe links is the lowest sale price for that style; please be aware that different colors of the same style often have different prices. Sometimes prices even vary by size, so keep your wits about you as you look for the best deals. And keep in mind that there were lots of other excellent shoes that I didn't have time to post (just in case you too are an eager "digger").
For Boys
1st row
See Kai Run Hayden trainer
2nd row
Primigi Vic first walker
3rd row
Primigi Ground Ankle Boot
4th row
Primigi Erber-E T-Strap
For Girls
1st row
Primigi Geraldine Ballet Flat
2nd row
Kickers Kid's Loren Mary Jane $39.50
3rd row
Naturino 4232 Ballet Flat
4th row
Naturino Paris Mary Jane
Girls' Boots
Clockwise from top left
Kickers Loula Boot
Now, the littlest of boys' feet are the clear winners in the boys' section above, though the Primigi Choate loafer comes in lots of sizes and colors. The girls' selections include something for everyone, perhaps even you too (see the Umi Moraine Mary Jane above). Three cheers for 50% off of high-end shoes!
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