Leveret also has a collection of holiday pajamas (scroll to bottom of page), all priced at $11.99 on Zulily. Pretty reasonable! I think that the snowflake and snowman versions are really cute.
And, for Halloween (as well as cool weather sleeping generally), Leveret also offers these great fleece footed sleepers (pictured below) that would make great base layers for animal Halloween costumes! Available on both Amazon
and on Zulily, these come in baby sizes up through 5T.
Sleeping comfortably (and warmly) just became much more affordable... all of these items are between $11.99 and $14.99 (originally $26-$40)! The feedback I have received from those of you who ordered these a few weeks ago is that the quality is excellent. It is ridiculous how happy nice, cheap jammies make me.
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